Sunday, November 6, 2016

Finite energy

In the constant ebb and flow that is the ocean of meandering thoughts in my head, I spend a lot of time on the cusp.  The cusp of being able to understand something on a deeper level, intuitively.  That point of realizing something profound where whatever it is that is being pondered is about to be revealed to me.  There is a connection between things that are unseen.  There is a specific way that things happen or will occur that ultimately, we just don’t have control over. 
I’m not speaking on the point of day to day living or running into an old friend.  Getting into an accident or taking the consequences of not being prepared for something.  I’m speaking on an entirely esoteric level.  In the way that everything we know to be true is based on energy.  Vibration.  Elements we may or may not be able to touch, see, hear.  Including our own physical selves.  Does this include thought as well? It would have to, those too, are energy.  Whether released out or contained within you. 
To me, it feels as if there is a finite amount of energy in this world.  (I’m not going outside into universe territory, I want to keep this more linear, approachable).  When I think of this/these energies, I feel as if I am looking directly at something but there is a blind spot right in the middle of where I am looking.  It is very frustrating and if I do just a little more digging….
At any rate, going back to the rules of thermodynamics, energy can be neither created nor destroyed.  It can change forms however.  I realize this was meant to classify our environments of a scientific nature, but it just applies to everything. EVERYTHING.  So when it is said that we “create” the energy or vibration we need, meaning, if it is your dream to go sledding down the Rockies, you are going to invest your energy into accomplishing that task.  You find that which you seek.  Perhaps there are conscience efforts to arrange and prioritize your daily life, and maybe you don’t think about it and you just do it.  Damn the consequences.  Either way, we make sacrifices and compromises within the universe to accomplish the things we want.  Unfortunately, as silly human creatures, it can be very difficult to find out that which you are willing to work towards.  What is worth something to you now, could very easily lose all value to you next week, even with just the process of maturation or the hierarchy of needs.
I feel like finding the mass of your energy is directly correlated to discovering your own boundaries.  Yet, even though you seek to find the edge of the table, the more you try to seek how much room you have left, the more you push it away from you. Not as growth, but  as you attempt pursuit. 

I follow Buddhism of the Vipassana teaching, utilizing metta meditation (when I am more disciplined).  This is a method of enlightenment that the Buddha himself gained nibbana.  There are other paths to take, other methods of teaching, some more modern, some more strict but this is a truth.  That Buddha reached enlightenment through metta meditation on the eight fold path.  Also known as loving kindness meditation.  You do not focus on your breathing, no object of distraction, no clearing out something that is impossible to clear out.  It is utilizing the energy you have to provide yourself with what you need to be present. Here. Now.  Once it is realized you have control over this, that it is YOU, there crops up an ego which you must also push to the wayside.  All in all, it is not a religion one practices.  It is a lifestyle.  

So, now you have this energy that you have learned can influence your life.  It should be so easy just to wish oneself into wealth and importance right? Well that’s the kicker.  Personal gain doesn’t fly in this realm.  Ironically, the jhanas you progress through provide these intense feelings and deep rooted remembered knowledge.  The first being joy.  As you progress and become more, you are shown that you are in fact, less.  That you are ultimately everything and nothing.  A phrase easy to say, an experience easily related but the audience will not truly know or understand the reality of this, what it means and how it all fits together unless it is actually experienced, for themselves.  Not to say you won’t encounter this truth if you are not following Buddhism, just as meditation can take any form,  truth can be revealed in any way. 
I have not gotten this far, this understanding.  My Bhante spoke of being able to see the world around you come to life and die almost instantly, like a flicker.  He spoke of the more enlightened you become, the less you rely on your world around you.  People and relationships will not mean the same thing.  Physical cravings, even of the most biological kind, won’t mean even half as much as they do to you before.  So naturally I questioned him.  It seemed unnatural to me to want to achieve this happiness, this level of not suffering only to not have the bonds and ties of your own life and the people around you.  He said some choose to not go forward.  Some choose to stay in their jhana, it is a personal choice.  You are not forced into this recognition of life force. Of the universe.  But, what you learn, cannot be unlearned.

I crave more.  I want more.  I felt and know of the amazing changes that occur and the way to get there is practice, of which I lack discipline in not wanting more.  Craving leads to suffering. 
I have a nasty habit of living in the past.  It is such a pattern of thinking so ingrained into me, it is the thing I struggle with the most.  I want to look at the past and have introspection.  Pick it apart and see what makes the past tick.  As if it matters.  As if I continue to needle at it, I will somehow, magically, find an answer in today.  It is one of those things that is out of my control and is very frustrating.  So I feel I am constantly in a loop of past/now torture but it’s not something I actively seek. 
I realized that in the past, I was told there was something wrong with me.  Since there actually wasn’t,  I began physical manifestations of non-explainable health issues.  I believed what I was told by someone I looked up to and in the end, it led to depression and many suicidal thoughts.  When I was removed from being subjected to a higher standard demanded OF me for someone else, my manifestations stopped.  Literally went away practically overnight.  I dropped over 60 lbs without even trying.  The only physical pain I have is from a validated ulcer and validated tendon damage which are both manageable.  I tend to look back and I see me as a different person shrouded in fear, shame, depression and inadequacy  and I want nothing more than to protect others from having to live this way as well. 
I acted out of emotion when I was told I wasn’t wanted.  I lashed out, I blamed, I spit anger at the injustice of treating someone like I was treated, systematically, over time, broken down and molded into unrecognizable me.  My view was one of unfair.  Here I had put years of heart and soul into someone I believed truly wasn’t the monster I see now, and it was the worst investment of my life.  That I allowed myself to be so controlled by my own fear and just wanting acceptance.  When I began standing up for myself in retaliation for the sneers and shitty double standards was when I had a shift in reality.  That he didn’t like that I was standing up for myself.  In fact, putting me down and dismissing me, invalidating me over my own stance.  I just wanted revenge.  I just wanted retribution.
I am still very much healing myself.  Defining my boundaries and making my life mine again.  I still have forgotten memories bubble up every now and then as if my mind is telling me I am not done realizing what my worth REALLY is and reminding me that I should never ever settle just for meager  attention, unreciprocated love,  ever again.  

I do not use my energies for what others want of me anymore.  It’s mine and I control it.  I do not want to have the anxiety and fear that comes from years of being told to fix myself.  Being shown that I am of lesser importance than someone else’s wants.  I’m stronger now, because I have to be.  I’m smarter now because I have been given the tools to open my mind.  I am capable of loving more now because I have begun to express my own self as loving kindness and I am beginning to shed away the cares that I had for others in the sense of worrying over what another’s opinion of me is.  Because I know my best and I will give my best, genuinely and I am letting judgments slip through my fingers to fall to the wayside.  I can trust my intuition again and I can make better decisions because of this.  Confidence is returning in a muted egotistical way of “what do I have that is spectacular that I can give to you”.  My first thoughts aren’t of negativity but positive love and light. 
These things that I am, that I have, will become are not in relation to who was in my past and what they have done to cover me, nor is it out of spite. 

 It is what it is, it is me.  It is my everything and nothing.

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