Monday, November 23, 2015


Want to know how my day went?
I went into the basement to start separating out boxes and belongings to different areas of the room for easier moving.  I got most of it done but was happy with what I did.

I studied, I relaxed, I had a good day.

HE comes home, stomps up the stairs as he is calling me " need to listen to me..." and proceeds to tell me that I am NOT allowed to have strangers up in my room.  That only after he meets them.  If I don't obey this rule, he said "good luck getting money from me". 
To which I responded with an emotional outburst of incredulousness that he has no right to tell me what I can and can't do and he cannot threaten me with not paying if I don't listen to him!
This is CLASSIC bully behavior and abusive!  I had this clarified today because I am sick and tired of him being this way for no reason!   Then he denied he was being a bully, threatened me OR gave me an ultimatum.  Flat out laughed and said he was none of that.

noun: bully; plural noun: bullies
  1. 1.
    a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
verb: bully; 3rd person present: bullies; past tense: bullied; past participle: bullied; gerund or present participle: bullying
use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants

The verb form definition is a match, I think, don't you?


 : to say that you will harm someone or do something unpleasant or unwanted especially in order to make someone do what you want
: to be something that is likely to cause harm to (someone or something) : to be a threat to (someone or something)

Kinda fits too.... oh dear....


noun: ultimatum; plural noun: ultimata; plural noun: ultimatums
a final demand or statement of terms, the rejection of which will result in retaliation or a breakdown in relations.
Yeah.  Gonna have to say three for three.
This was just the beginning of my afternoon.
 So at 4:15 I am leaving the house to go to class.  His car is parked behind my car, so I can't move mine.  So as I head out the door, I holler into the bedroom where he is on his computer and say, "I need you to move your car so I can leave." then I hollered back a "pretty please" as I went out.  Five minutes later, I am still waiting patiently in my car so as to not disrupt the King.
Ten minutes later, after I go in and ask again, nicely mind you.
I go in again and he is standing on the porch texting.  Flat out REFUSING to move his car.  Standing there just being an asshole. Smirking, laughing to himself.  I am getting so frustrated I have to threaten to call the police and he is laughing, daring me to do it.
Uncontrolled tears as I am yelling at him trying to ask why on gods green earth he is doing this to me.  Why does he feel this need to control me? Why does he need to dominate someone he supposedly hates?  That he cannot tell me what to do and so forth.  He said he wasn't moving his car because....
get this.....
I didn't ASK NICELY.  
Enter raging me. 
I'm shaking, I feel like I am going to vomit, I'm sweating.  This is exactly what he wants.  When I ask him why he keeps goading me to call the police he said "cause you won't do it".  Then stated he was just going to move his car after I called anyway.
I didn't get to leave for school until after 5.  The only reason he finally went out and moved it was because I had to make a scene and start yelling on the porch for the neighbors to hear.  Asking why he won't let me leave, why he won't move his car. That I just want to leave, that he can't do this.
He shouldn't but he fucking did.
Let's visit one more definition today, ok?
  1. abuse
    noun \ə-ˈbyüs\

    Definition of ABUSE

    :  a corrupt practice or custom
    :  improper or excessive use or treatment
 This is madness.  Seriously.  I cannot believe what a monster, this man I used to love, has become.  Unrecognizable.  
I was left this note when I came home from school.

I CANNOT make this shit up.

"When a person tells you that you hurt them, you don't get to decide that you didn't."
-Louis C.K.
Even Louis gets it.....

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