Sunday, November 22, 2015

Control Freak Much?

If I am courteous enough to leave you a message telling you that I am going to have company over, and when said company comes over, (being that it IS late due to odd schedules) I am carefully as quiet and as respectful as I would be towards any roommate I am sharing living space with.  I, in turn, get treated to slamming doors and stomping while guest is there. When guest leaves I get threatened.  He just can't believe I am "sneaking strangers in in the middle of the night" and my favorite, "this means a lot of changes around here...."

Right. Because you haven't upset my world enough as it is.
He leaves ME and then gets upset because I choose to go on with my life?
Are you fucking kidding me??
He tells me I told him not to bring people around.  Yeah.  I said that.  I also said don't fuck anyone in my bed. (when I reminded him he liked to repeat how he was going to fuck a lot of women in my bed).
You don't get to bail and then make the rules still, you piece of shit.

If my life, what I say and what I do, bothers you that much? YOU are the one with the issues. It is so incredible how much I have grown to realize what you have done over the years.  It's so ridiculous that he makes this grand life gesture to announce I am worthless and wants nothing more to do with me but then turns into this drama queen when it comes to anything to do with my life.

I have GOT to figure a way out of this.  I cannot be around someone who is still trying to control my life.  From someone who gives me ultimatums and threats. Who thinks I owe THEM.

As much as I was in love heart and soul with this man, this stranger now has taught me what real hate is and how it can run just as deep.

And I was left with this little gem the next morning. Just documenting...

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