Saturday, September 5, 2015

Narcissist 1: Melissa 0

I made an apology for my obnoxious behavior.  I refuse to apologize for my feelings.  I'm trying to talk to him, in a nice way, like he keeps asking of me, and I want him to just say something nice to me about me so I can maybe just feel a tiny bit better.  He tells me it's within me. Oh, but he had told me, I made HIM miserable.  But that's not within him? His response? "That was in the past."  Also in response to my asking his response was "I don't think we should be living together. " No shit fuckface... Should have thought of that when you sat next  to me just a couple of months ago when we were renewing our lease.

 Even when I asked several times if he had any one single nice thing to say, he just talked in circles and answered my questions with questions.  He said he could not. I'm supposed to be like a nice roommate and he can just be an asshole. He said he has nothing nice to say about me. Who the fuck does he think he is?

 I tried to end the "conversation" earlier when I could see the look on his face was of pure disgust. He rallied that he was there listening still. Proceeds to tell me nothing is worth talking about. How one can go from being a huge part of your daily life into absolutely nothing and not worth anything flabbergasts me. To the fucking core. I have no idea who this person is. He's an absolute dick though and god help the "multiple women"  he is pursuing because I know first hand none will tolerate his narcissistic behavior. His head is so far up his ass... come and go as he pleases without even so much as a look at me and wants to know what time I'm leaving?

Fuck. You. Buddy.

 You have lost any respect I had left for you.
I ACTUALLY don't owe you shit and you owe me more than there are stars in the sky.

I understand the relationship is over. I GET the fact you are disgusted by me. I GET the fact you want nothing more to do with me but why the fuck do you have to act and tell me that the past 6 years meant nothing.  Why do you have to talk in circles? Why the hell are YOU playing the poor sad victim?  Why do you still have to treat me like shit?  Why cant you understand your actions have repercussions?
You don't get your cake and get to eat it too you twat. Nobody does, least of all YOU.

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