It just so happens around the 3 year anniversary of being asked for my hand in marriage, at the culmination of a six and a half year relationship, my partner decided he did not want me in his life anymore. Exact words were "You make me miserable." "You're kids are awful." and "I have felt this way for years." You could have knocked me over with a feather.
We have had our ups and downs through the years and it always felt to me like anytime we had gone through a rough patch, we seemed stronger on the other side. Either I am the biggest idiot for not seeing it or he was the best actor. At any rate, I was told I wasn't who he wanted me to be (who the hell says that to someone anyway?) and I basically was not good enough for him.
He had started to drift away a bit with his own hobbies and circles and I was fine with occasionally joining him. I don't feel a couple need be joined at the hip at all times, how exhausting is that? I also feel its important for each to have their own interests. Why should I have the same passions as he? It's not like I was being catered to at all. He needs to be the center of attention. He thrives on it, he is creating his world around people noticing him and liking him. They HAVE to like him. There is also a bit of a superiority complex going on which is fantastic at times of moodiness. Why should I even try to compete with that? Why should I also have to fangirl all over someone I already give my all too? I didn't understand why he took it so personally that I didn't always want to go with him. Sometimes physical pain takes precedence. Sometimes I need to be alone. Alone is good for me. It recharges me and I don't feel like I am being used all the time.
My love language is in service. I didn't grow up with physical affection and it has taken me a long time to even get where I am today. Instead I show my affections by doing for the other person. By providing, by listening, by communication. It shuts down ones communication when you always tell them what they are feeling is wrong. Invalidation is a very mean tool to manipulate with. We always seemed to come out of counseling sessions a bit better. Able to finally see eachother's point of view.
I was easier to walk away from than trying. I wasn't loved unconditionally. I was constantly judged and scrutinized. Every single time that man took some sort of issue with me where I wasn't meeting his standards, I did my very best to change for the better. I was told things I was NOT allowed to do or say to him. He constantly held the relationship hostage. If I didn't change, he was going to leave.
Of course when you love someone, you don't want them to be unhappy, you change. I asked one thing from him. ONE. That when I am upset or angry about something and I don't/can't talk about it at that time, to please not be mad at me. If I say it isn't about him, he needs to trust me. This worked up until the point of our anniversary of engagement. About a month before I was told he changed his mind about wanting to marry me. When he said I made him miserable. So naturally when the time came around I was sad. I was withdrawn. I was asked in a snarky tone what is wrong with me NOW? I totally wanted to divulge my sadness then, right? I wasn't ready to explain how I was feeling because it was because of him I was sad. So enter the next couple of days of him being angry at me for being upset over something he did. This culminated in me having to calm down, organize my thoughts, process feelings and finally being able to talk to someone who wouldn't even look at me.
I get a three page letter the next day detailing out how ever since the beginning I have made him unhappy. So many of my faults, according to him, he listed. He detailed how shitty of a person I am, how shitty my kids are. How I don't nor never have given him what he needs.
I took a hammer to his engagement ring I took off the month before when he said it was off, "for now."
I angry cried. Most of the morning as the coward that he was left to go hiking. With a bit of his entourage. Coming back wanting to hear me say he was right. I was supposed to agree with him I was worthless?
After all I had felt and put forth? I wasn't affectionate enough, I didn't discipline enough, I didn't take passion for the things he took passion with, I didn't like to be surrounded by people, I didn't have a better job, I have troubles with my health...
What. An. Asshole.
It all came crashing down. All I could think about were all the times he was mean to me. How he said I was "awful at relationships, just terrible" How I bring him down. How I don't try enough. How I made him miserable.
I felt so angry. Confused and angry. I thought we had a partnership, I thought we were close. That we liked so many of the same things and just enough of different things to keep us interesting. We had such a sense of humor and appreciation for life and things. Wanted the same things out of life. I was led to believe we were going to grow old together. We had plans, ideas of how this was going to work out. Why would someone put forth all this time and effort and deepness to someone who makes them miserable? Why lie to me? For years?
I wasn't with him because I needed him, I was with him because I WANTED to be with him. Here was someone that made me feel I wanted to be a better person. He had his moody times and I was damn patient. I put up with a lot of bullshit NO other woman would have.
He was my best friend.
Now he is a stranger.
I am disgusted to look at him. I want to destroy things when I think about what he did to me and his reasoning. How he strung me along for years. And now, because of him, having just recently signed a new lease, I have to remain living under the same roof as him. I am in a house with someone else and I have never felt so lonely in my life. Even when I lived alone. I can't come home and ask how his day was, have him tell me what is going on at his work. Make plans for the weekends, decide what we will do for dinner. Watch tv with. Laugh with. I have no one to hug me when I need it and I have no one to kiss me goodnight or goodbye. He is right here and I can't say or do anything about what I lost in this. My everything was selfishly robbed. I looked forward to our future and now we have none.
When you put your all into something or someone, it takes a part of you. Because it IS you that you put into it. That is a part of what love means. When that someone doesn't want you, tells you that you are not good enough for them, it's like having a part of you ripped out and you are left with this hole. This empty space that used to complete you is now just gone. You are incomplete. I can't fight for him. It is done. I have no trust for him and all the respect and admiration I had left with that part of me he took.
The thing is, there is nothing he gave to me that I can't give myself. In fact, I can love deeper and with more empathy and patience than he will ever have. I am working on filling that space again. Filling it with me.
I am beginning a spiritual journey in the next month. It is something I have been drawn to more and more over the years and I have no idea where it is going to take me, but it's where I need to go. I will be attending a Buddhist meditation retreat for 7 days. It is going to be strict, it is regimented and it is going to be filled with things I know nothing about. I am scared as hell and I am so excited about it. I also feel afraid something will happen to take this away from me, as lately my whole everything was taken, and I won't get to attend but I am telling myself how important this is for me. This is not optional. I have GOT to do something for me for once instead of looking out for everyone else. I have the ways and the means to do this and it needs to happen. I sure as hell can't even get a weekend in New Orleans like I always wanted but this is going to happen.
In a way I feel superior emotionally. I have a better sense of love and kindness and I don't need to parade it around that I am doing so. I proved I can love without judgement and scrutiny. I have started over so many god damn times in my life with next to nothing and I am so tired of it. Soul weary, but this time, I'm going to let go. I am not going to worry about how I am going to acquire what I need, I am going to appreciate that I have all I need. Loving someone isn't about having another half, it's about two wholes coming together to make another whole. It's about being your partners cheerleader and shoulder to cry on. Its enjoying life and laughing, viewing all that the world has to offer and stay up late together talking about life and love and giggling about nonsense. It's being nice to them without effort.
Not being nicer to the world around you than you are with your love. It's not taking them for granted. Not assuming. Its not undervaluing them. It's what we had, or at least I thought. For years this was the role he played in my life. Then you go to school and you hang out with the cool kids and then you can't even tell your friend hi cause then you won't be cool anymore....
Things really suck emotionally right now. I just keep saying it won't kill me and take one day at a time. Not think too hard on the great times and not dwell on the bad.
Hopefully my anger won't burn me from the inside out.